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شنبه 13 مارس 2010
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مدتی قبل کتاب هایی رو با فرمت PDF از اینترنت گرفتم که بنظرم رسید ممکنه برای دوستان جالب باشه. فقط کتاب Get better sound آقای جیم اسمیت و The Complete guide to High-end Audio آقای رابرت هارلی رو بشکل پی دی اف نتونستم پیدا کنم که مجبورید به آمازون سفارش بدید. بقیه کتاب ها لیستش اینجا آورده شده که اگر کسی خواست به من ایمیل بزنه تا من براش تو رپید آپلود کنم. پیشنهاد میکنم کتاب Mastering Audio the Art and the Science Bob Katz رو حتما بخونید. آقای Bob Katz نویسنده این کتاب یکی از آدم حسابی های دنیای صداست. یک سری کتاب هم در آدرس http://www.dhtrob.com/overige/boekwerken_en.shtml در دسترس هست که ممکنه برای شما جالب باشه به شرح زیر:

Basic theory and application of electron tubes (Dep. of Air Force / Navy 1952)

The radio amateurs handbook (1937)

New Audiomans Guide (Audel 1944)

Electronics Amplifier circuits

Electron Tube circuits (McGraw/Hill 1950)

GE Radio tube substitution list

GE Essential characteristics

The essentials of electron tubes and their circuits

Radio engineering principles (Lauer/Brown 1928)

Mullard valves and electron tubes

The Radio Handbook (Orr)

Philco – Wiring diagrams and parts-list (receivers)

The RCA Radiotron manual (1933)

Beam Power tubes (Tech. papers Schade 1938)

RCA Transmitting tubes manual (TT3 1938)

RCA Transmitting tubes manual (TT5 1962)

RCA Receiving tubes manual (RC13 1962)

RCA Receiving tubes manual (RC14 1940)

RCA Radiotron designer handbook (1944)

RCA Receiving tubes manual (RC13 1962)

Principles of Electron tubes (Reich 1941)

Theory and applications of electron tubes (Reich 1944)

Sylvania News: How to use voltage regulator tubes (1946)

Sylvania Technical manual Radio tubes (1951)

Taylor tubes – specifications (Flyer)

Telefunken Röhren – Von A bis Z (1930-31)

Western Electric vacuum tubes (1933)

Western Electric electron tubes (1956)

Electronic tube theory and Circuits FM11-63

اینم لیست کل کتاب هایی که من دارم :

Acoustics – Basic Physics, Theory and Methodsby by P. Filippi, et al., (Elsevier, 1999)

Acoustics and Hearing by Peter Damaske

Acoustics by Leo L.Beranek

Acoustics For Engineers by Troy Lectures

Acoustics of Wood 2nd Edition by Voichita Bucur

Advanced Applications in Acoustics, Noise and Vibration by Frank Fahy and John Walker

Advanced Design Techniques For RF Power Amplifiers by Anna Rudiakova and Vladimir Krizhanovski

An Introduction to Acoustics by S.W. Rienstra & A. Hirschberg

An Introduction to Digital Audio by John Watkinson

Analysis, Synthesis, and Perception of Musical Sounds by James W.Beauchamp

Applications of Digital Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics by Mark Kahrs

Architectural Acoustics by Marshall Long

Audio and Hi-Fi Handbook Third Edition Editor IAN R.SINCLAIR

Audio Engineer’s Reference Book by Michael Talbot-Smith

Audio HandBook

Audio Measurement Handbook by  Bob Metzler Audio Precision Inc

Audio Power Amplifier Design Handbook, Fourth Edition (Paperback) by Douglas Self

Auralization by Dr. Michael Vorlander

Building Acoustics by Tor Erik Vigran

Building Valve Amplifiers by Morgan Jones

Computational Acoustics Of Noise Propagation In Fluids – Finite And Boundary Element Methods

Critical Listening and Auditory Perception – By F. Alton Everest

DAFX, Digital Audio Effects by Udo Zolzer

Digital Audio Broadcasting, Principles and Applications of Digital Radio, Second Edition by Wolfgang Hoeg & Thomas Lauterbach

Fundamentals of Acoustics 4th Edition by Lawrence E. Kinsler

Fundamentals of Acoustics by Michel Bruneau

Grounding and Shielding for Sound and Video By Philip Giddings

HandBook for Sound Engineers, The New Audio Cyclopedia by Glen Ballou

Handbook of Signal Processing in Acoustics Volume 1 by David Havelock

Hearing An Introduction to Psychological and Psychological Acoustics Fourth Edition by Stanley A.Gelfand Ph.D

Hearing From Sensory Processing to Perception

High performance loudspeakers 4th Edition by Martin Colloms

Home Recording Studio Build It Like the Pros Rod Gervais

Loudspeaker and Headphone Handbook by John Borwick

Mastering Audio the Art and the Science Bob Katz

Mixing Audio Concepts, Practices and Tools by Roey Izhaki

Mixing with your mind by Michael Paul Stavrou

Modern Recording Techniques Sixth Edition by David Miles Huber

Perception-Based Data Processing in Acoustics

Physical Acoustics in the Solid State by Professor Bruno Luthi

Power Vacuum Tubes Handbook by Jerry C.Whitaker

Practical Recording Techniques by Bruce Bartlett and Jenny Bartlett

Production Mixing Mastering with Waves

Psychoacoustics Facts and Models by Hugo Fastl Eberhard Zwicker

Recording Studio Design Philip Newell

Room Acoustics Heinrich Kuttruff

Sound Construction on a Budget by F.Alton Everest

Sound Engineer’s Pocket Book Second Edition Edited by Michael Talbot-Smith

Sound Reproduction The Acoustics and Psychoacoustics of Loudspeakers and Rooms

Sound Systems Design and Optimization Modern Techniques and Tools for Sound System Design and Alignment

Springer Handbook of Acoustics Thomas D Rossing

Standard Handbook of Audio and Radio Engineering by Whitaker Benson

Taste of Tubes

The Boundary Element Method in Acoustics by Stephen Kirkup

The Design Of An Audio Frequency Vacuum Tube Amplifier (Bryant 2000, Ms Th)

The Master HandBook of Acoustics by F.Alton Everest

The Mixing Engineer’s Handbook by Bobby Owsinski

The Recording Engineers Handbook by Bobby Owsinski [2005]

The Science and Applications of Acoustics 2nd Edition by Daniel R.Raichel

The Science of Music, accompanying notes by Joe Wolfe

The Sound Reinforcement Handbook Second Edition by Gary Davis & Ralph Jones for Yamaha

This is Your Brain on Music The Science of a Human Obsession by Daniel J.Levitin

Why Are Church Sound Systems & Acoustics So Confusing!