HP از TAS رفت

HP از TAS رفت

دوشنبه 29 آوریل 2013
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هری پرسون ادیتور و بنیان گذار مجله The Absolute sound از این مجله رفت  به دلایلی که اینجا میگه :



بنظر من چیزی که هری ادعا میکنه و میگه دوست داشته آئودیو مسیری برای رفتن به سمت موسیقی باشه چیز کاملا درستی نیست و تا حدی بی معنیه. این همه سال که من به های فای علاقه داشتم واقعا اینو حس نکردم که آئودیو میتونه موسیقی شنیدن رو بیشتر کنه.

بنظر من آئودیو خیلی زود تبدیل میشه به یک سرگرمی ذهنی که بیشتر ما رو از موسیقی دور میکنه.

این خبر رو من تازه تو سایت رومی دیدم اما تاریخش به سال 2012 بر میگرده.

رومی نوشته :

Harry Pearson started a few months back his own site and posted a few days back a curios post:


With all universal appreciation and understanding the health situation we was involved and respecting his perspective about audio after the events, I have to admit that the position he is taken is very mach what he has been doing for last 20 years – to pimp audio industry for new “equipment”. Harry Pearson drummed up many companies and many products, it was done “professionally” with necessary graze of   showy “spirituality” and reasoning but under the bottom of any Mr. Pearson thinking always was how to make new equipment more sealable. So, all his today complain about TAS and what is has become is just a very logical outcome of what Harry Pearson has been doing for years. I do not know what TAS has become – I do not read audio periodics for 6 years but I very much can predict what agenda they have and what the new Pearsons are doodling in there.

Harry Pearson with his “new” site and his “new” objective is not really anything new. It is just an old guy who was fucking up the industry for year and run it to the ground and now is bitching about the sad state of the industry and   looking for a fake cathartic perspective. Sorry, I have no sympathy, besides the sympathy on human level.  New generation of audio maker is growing up, new dozens of people soldering their audio for sale in basements need somebody to tell to their perspective customers that they exist. Harry Pearson is still available and this was exactly what his was doing all his life – creating a fake customers frustrations around the futures that new audio products were offering.  I do feel that at the very beginning of his public audio career Mr. Pearson did express curiosity to audio subject as he turn full time “professional” his audio thinking become worthless and he turn himself into audio data provider.

Romy the Cat

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