سایت ام تو ماه گذشته کمی بیننده هاش رفت بالا و این دو سه روز پهنای باندش تموم شد. از ادمین خواستم این چند روز رو همراهی کنه تا برسیم به اول ماه بعد.
البته اگر اینجوری ادامه پیدا کنه ممکنه پلن رو ارتقاء بدم.
یک مطلب هم از رومی بخونید که جالبه، البته امیدوارم نوشته های زیر به کسی برنخوره، من چون مطلب جالب بود اینجا آوردمش و فکر میکنم نوشته های رومی میتونه کمک کنه دید بهتری به موضوعات داشته باشیم :
The most appalling audio types :
The Shepherded:
The Shepherded audio person usually has reasonably well paid job and from reasonably to highly educated. He has some extra money and extra time to spend in his life, so instead of sniffing cocaine, polishing his Harley or painting his boat the Shepherded chose to “do audio”. The audio interests of the Shepherded are very restricted and usually drift atop of the audiophile’s foamy waves. The main objective of the Shepherded’s “hobby” is to harvest the industry marketing accomplishments and to implement them in own listening room. Any more or less evolved objectives of music reproduction are mostly alien forms for a Shepherded audio type. If some kind of sounds are played with the Shepherded playback then juts it is juts in order to confirm that the Shepherded playback assembly is still working and comply with the “embraced definition of success”
For him Sound in his rooms is purely a unsystematic outcome of equipment he has managed to collect
Audio Groupies :
The Audio Groupies are the people who made own awareness subordinated to some kind of audio initiative, concept, brand, company, product, group pf interest or most frequently a marketing slogan (or something that will call “X-Subject” in this post).
The biggest problem with the Audio Groupies is that they do not understand that any success of any audio “X-Subjects” belong of END USER but not belong an industry solution providers. Any technology or notion in the hands of barbarian produce barbarian results and in contrary: in order to get a higher level of results any “X-Subject” should be properly employed by end users and the results should be properly understood by user’s own capacity. The Audio Groupies are not creative, are not inclined to originality, not inventive or have power to create. They rather are individuals bound in servitude, subordinance and following.
Audio DIYers:
To make the long story very short: a progress in audio could be determined ONLY by deepening of musical evolvement of the individual who does Audio. Audio DIY movement (as a structured generality) and the 95% of DIY individuals have no distinct interest in musical advancement. DIY audio is VERY simple and everything that you do “works”. How to assess the worth of that “working”? Here is where “something else” should come to the picture and unfortunately most of the DIY people do not have that “something else”…
There is a difference between building Sound and building a DAC, building a speaker or building a listening room. DIYers do not look at Sound as a Tool for something else but rather they look at sound as an Article of Trade, sort of a variable that might be played with in order to justify their audio self-amusement. There is nothing wrong with DIY audio as hobby. There is nothing right with Sound in the rooms of the DIY people who understand audio just as hobby….
Vintage Sufferers:
The people who suffer from the vintagtism in audio are special breed of Audio Morons™. Those people discovered a single focus of interests in some kind of vintage item and this focus became a point an unconditional dedication and fanatical devotion. What is remarkable that most of the Vintage Sufferers very fast switch their attention from the alleged sonic benefit of a given vintage solution (actual or imaginary) to the superficial worshiping of the solution’s status
the Friendship Bound:
Sure, everyone would have own recipe how to deal with it. My personal view is a complete disassociation of friendship from my audio interests. I do not pressure audio for entertainment of others and I do not use audio for development of my social circle (as many other do). In fact I found the social circles in audio are incredible boring and much more inferior then other “circles of interests”. So, the friendship-based audio I found always tedious, contra-productive and always severally underperforming. I might go on and on about the reasons why friendship-based audio is unfertile but would it be necessary? The important point is that audio people snowed under the slavery of friendship are hardly individuals who have own sight but rather Zombies with algorithmable pattern of reactions. They are very frequently are combined with all above-mention audio types…
friends to be:
This is another type of appalling idiots that I can’t stand. Thos people run across audio enthusiasts in desperate but violent desire to develop a friendship. Not even a friendship but some kind of surrogate of familiarity that based upon absolutely contrived and falsely fabricated rational.
personally over-vested:
I think I need to isolate this type into own group. This is own special bread of idiots, presented explicitly within internet whose trepidation about own brand of cable elevators make them to get any comments about anything that reminds a cable elevator as personal insult of own mother. Any, not even critical but even less then admireative comments about anything abstract would make the idiots to behave as you call his children ugly and you face a barrage of senseless accusations.
Anyhow, I hate those sons of the bitches and probably from now and own I need instead of trying to educate idiots about audio I need to explain them that their children shall be ugly if their fathers behave like this. What the difference – the result will be the same anyhow….